Vita (English)
- Professor of Sociology (retired); Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg
- Until 4/2025: Head of ZTF (Centre of Transformation Research), teacher of Sociology and Master Peace and Conflict Studies. Member of the Faculty Council
- From 1998-2003 Professor of Social Anthropology at the State University of Saint-Petersburg, Russia
- To 1997: Reader at the Sociology of Development Research Centre, Univ. of Bielefeld
- From 2009-2012 and 2013-2015 Head of Department
Main field of interest: economic sociology, social anthropology, post-colonial studies and development, sociology of transformation
Several years of field research in: Nepal, India, Indonesia, Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyztan
Visiting Professorship (DAAD) at the State University of Saint-Petersburg from 1997-99
Visiting fellowships at the St. Petersburg and at the Univ. of Mumbai, Al-Farabi University Almaty, Eurasion National University Astana, American Univ. of Central Asia Bishkek
Consultant to ILO, GTZ and other organizations
Member of the editorial board of the book series 'Market, Culture and Society' and 'Gesellschaftliche Transformationen/Societal Transformations' (both LIT Publ.) and the Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology (Saint-Petersburg), , Editor of the IDE Online Journal, Editor of the Magdeburgian Sociological Working Paper Series, referee for different international and German reviewed journals
Member of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie (to 2024), Chairman of the Association of German Sociologists of Development and Social Anthropologists (ESSA) from 2004-2006, Vice-Chairman from 2007-2008
Scientific Advisor of the Hazrat Inayat Khan Foundation, an advisory board for a social program in New Delhi (Hope Project)
Research projects and scientific projects (selection)
- Guided research on "The 'Intersection of Family, Gender and Society in Kyrgyzstan" (mixed team), 2022 und 2023
- TALENT (Human Resource Management) EU project partner setting up a master program in Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan (2019-2022)
- The Disaster-Conflict Interface: The Gorkha Earthquake in Nepal and its Aftermath (2017/2018)
- EIGER (European Integration and Employment Relations) EU project partner setting up a master program in Georgia (2013-2016)
- Low Income Habitat in Pune and Mysore/India (2014)
- PERSEUS EU project partner for the strengthening of relations between business and science in Central Asia (2011-2013)
- Livelihoods Strategies of Private Households in Central Asia: a comparative rural-urban analysis in Kasachstan and Kyrgyztan (2011-2013). Volkswagen Foundation (with E. Dittrich)
- Slum Research in Mumbai /India (2004, 2007)
- Small enterprieses in Russia, Bulgaria and Czech Republic (2002-2004). Volkswagen Foundation (with E. Dittrich).
- Lombard Houses in Saint Petersburg: pawning as a survival strategy of low-income households? (1999-2000) Volkswagen Foundation.
- Changing Financial Landscapes in India and Indonesia (1991-1992). DFG scholarship
- Trading Patterns in the Nepal Himalayas (1985). DAAD/Friedrich-Naumann scholarship
Postal address:
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität, Humanwissenschaften, Inst. II: Postfach 4120,
D-39016 Magdeburg
Weitere Informationen zur Forschungs- und Publikationstätigkeit von Herrn Schrader finden Sie auf seiner persönlichen Webseite.