Articles (Selection)
- (2022) Pedagogical and Intercultural Facets in an International Students' Research Training Program in Times of Pandemic: A Case Study on "The Intersections' of Gender, Family, and Society in Kyrgyzstan". IDE. Online Journal 9, 2.
- (2019) Continuity and Change in Societies in Post-Socialist Transformation: Research into Households and the Economy. IDE Online Journal 6, 2.
- (2018) Gender in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan - results of a survey of households. Intl. Journal of Gender Studies in Developing Societies 2, 4: 316-334 (with E. Dittrich)
- (2012) Wie überleben Haushalte in Kasachstan und Kirgistan? Eine vergleichende empirische Analyse. Zentralasien-Analysen 59/2: 2-9 (with E. Dittrich)
- (2008) The Development of Small Enterprises in Bulgaria, Czech Republic, and Russian Federation. JEEMS 13,2: 129-153 (with E. Dittrich and C. Stojanov)
- (2005) Reflections on Slum Development Policy in Mumbai. IIC Newsletter. Mumbai: Institute of Indian Culture: 18-28
- (2004) Spheres of Trust, Social Capital and Transformation in Russia. JEEMS 4/2004: 391-410
- (2004) Zur Parallelstruktur formeller und informeller städtischer Finanzinstitutionen in Indien - Ausdruck einer Dualwirtschaft? In: Soziale Welt Sonderband 15: Konfigurationen der Moderne. Diskurse zu Indien. (S. Randeria, M. Fuchs und A. Linkenbach Hg.) Baden-Baden: Nomos: 369-388
- (2001) Pfandkredit als eine Strategie der Lebensbewältigung im russischen Alltag. Berliner Debatte INITIAL 12, 3: 88-100
- (2000) Modernisation between Economic Requirements and Religious Law:
- Islamic Banking in Malaysia. Internationales Asienforum 1-2: 39-56
- (2000) Economic Action under Market Constraints: A Post-Soviet Pawnshop in St. Petersburg. Sociologus 50,2: 199-224.
- (1999) Dhikuti Revisited: From Rosca to Finance Company.
- Savings and Development, Vol. 23,1: 47- 56 (with D. Seibel).
- (1998) Globalisatsia, tsivilisatsia i moral. Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsial'noi antropologii. Tom 1,2. St. Petersburg: 71-84 (see also ji, nezalezhnii kulturologichnii chasopis 2000, Vol. 19,3: Globalisatsia, evropeiskii soius ta Ukraina: 138-155).
- (1997) Market and Morality in Western and Non-Western Societies. Chinmaya Management Review, Vol. 1, No. 1: 60-73.
- (1996) Formal and Informal Finance in Contemporary India. Asien 61: 48-69.
- (1995) Formal and Informal Finance in Contemporary Indonesia. Internationales Asienforum, 26. Jg., 3-4: 303-325.
- (1994) Professional Moneylenders and the Emergence of Capitalism in India and Indonesia. International Sociology 9, 2: 185-208.