Prof. Dr. Andreas Schmitz


Institut II: Gesellschaftswissenschaften
Bereich für Soziologie (SOZ)
  • Studies of Sociology in Bonn (thesis "Modelling social distance using geometric data analysis and multilevel logit models")
  • Doctoral studies in Bamberg (Structure of digital partner choice - A Bourdieusian Approach)
  • Habilitation in Bonn (Current Challenges of Habitus Field Theory - Methodology, Theory and Empiricism)
  • Visiting Professor of Methods of Empirical Social Research at RWTH Aachen University
  • Project management with Richard Münch "DFG Project Networks, Paradigms, Careers"
  • Unanswered calls
    • Methods of Empirical Social Research (University of Münster)
    • Sociological Theory (University of Rostock)
  • Professorship of Methods of Empirical Social Research (Magdeburg)
Aktuelle Publikationen
  • Andreas Schmitz, Will Atkinson, Frederic Lebaron (2023): Rethinking the Nation and International Relations: The Space of Nation States. In: British Journal of Sociology (accepted).
  • Andreas Schmitz & Christian Schmidt-Wellenburg (2023): Viele Theorien, ein ,Theorizing‘? Eine Rekonstruktion des deutschen Feldes soziologischer Theorie. In: Andre Armbruster & Fabian Annicker (Hrsg.) : Die Praxis soziologischer Theoriebildung (im Erscheinen).
  • Christian Schmidt-Wellenburg und Andreas Schmitz (2023): „Divided We Stand, United We Fall? Structure and Struggles of Contemporary German Sociology". in: International Review of Sociology (im Erscheinen).
  • Stephanie Beyer & Andreas Schmitz (2023): “Fear Factor(y)”: Academia. Subtle Mechanisms of Symbolic Domination in the Academic Field. In: Sociological Forum.
  • Oliver, Wieczorek, Andreas Schmitz, Jonas Volle, Khulan Bayarkhuu, Richard Münch (2022) "Collaborative Knowledge Production and the Consolidation of Innovative Research : Evidence from publications in 5 German sociology journals 2000– 2019." Soziale Welt (forthcoming)
  • Andreas Schmitz & Will Atkinson (2022): The German Social Space and its Homologies: National Variation on a Basic Structure. In: Current Sociology (0)
  • Christian Schmidt-Wellenburg & Andreas Schmitz (2022)  Divorce à l’allemande: Luttes symboliques et tensions institutionnelles dans la sociologie allemande contemporaine. In: Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales N° 243-244(3):110-123
  • Andreas Schmitz (2022): The ongoing unification of the market of symbolic goods. A qualitative reconstruction of comparative practices in online dating.In: Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia. 349-375
  • Andreas Schmitz &  Jan Riebling (2022): Data Quality of Digital Process Data. A Generalized Framework and Simulation/Post-Hoc-Identification Strategy. In: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie.
  • Andreas Schmitz &  Judith  Eckert (2022): Towards a general sociology of fear: a programmatic answer to crucial deficits of the contemporary fear discourse. In: Emotions & Society Vol 4 (3): 275-289 (Editorial for the special issue 'Fear: Perspectives from the Social Sciences.'). 
Lehre im Sommersemester 2023

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